Tuesday, September 17, 2013

(Human Resources) Management Organization Structure / Personal Opinion

2.Personal Opinion

How is my chosen leader ( Angela Merkel ) organization structure ?
My chosen leader Angela Merkel were in charged of Government financial institution / department , and she is the leader of Christian Democratic Union In Germany , a politician party. She should be making decision on her way for operating the wholes Germany Organization and the Europe Financial.

The Second Merkel Cabinet/ Merkel Organization Structure in Germany Government Institution

1. Chancellor - Angela Merkel / Headquarter of Government in Germany
Angela Merkel (2008).jpg
2. Vice- Chancellor- Phillip Rosler
3. Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs - Guido Westerwelle
Westerwelle hamm 2009 ankunft.jpg
4. Federal Minister of the interior - Hans-Peter Friedrich
Hans-Peter Friedrich.jpg

Federal Minister of JusticeSabine leutheusser-schnarrenberger 2.JPGSabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger

Federal Minister of FinanceWSchaeuble.jpgWolfgang Schäuble
6. Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs - Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen 2008.jpg

Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer ProtectionIlseaigner.jpgIlse Aigner

8.Federal Minister of Deference
Thomas de Maiziere Dresden.jpgThomas de Maizière
9.Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth-Kristina Schroder

 Koehler 800.jpg
10.Federal Minister of Health

Bahr.JPGDaniel Bahr
Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban AffairsRamsauer.jpgPeter Ramsauer
12.  Federal Minister for the Environment , Nature Conversation and Safety Nuclear-Peter Almaier

Peter altmaier mdb.jpg
13. Federal Minister for Education and Research

Johanna Wanka MWK 2.jpgJohanna Wanka
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentNiebel retouched.jpgDirk Niebel

Federal Minister for Special Tasks,
Head of the Chancellery
Pofalla2002.jpgRonald Pofalla

Sources: ' The Federal Government', " Cabinet ", http://www.bundesregierung.de/Webs/Breg/EN/FederalGovernment/Cabinet/_node.html
© 2013 The Press and Information Office of the Federal Government

Above was the organizational structure of my chosen leader Angela Merkel , it simply consider also a chain of command of Germany Cabinet.

Basically , if I was involve in this structure of German Cabinet , I were felt extremely satisfy the organizational structure of this cabinet cause the structure of this cabinet is consider of appropriate.
My opinion for this structure / Reason why I don't shift anything
if I were in charged of this organizational, This structure is organize clearly and each department have its own leader with taking responsibility , efficient in making decision. To ensure the overall Germany organization work in progress accurately , I should distribute more authority for those leaders in their department for easy decision making to avoid the time delayed on propose to me for opinions

Span of control , Level of responsibility , these concern were be attribute to the leaders for their personal opinion of operating in each of their department.
The potential for me of this Merkel cabinet structure is likely on the appropriate and accurate progress of efficiency working.  I personally thinks that Organizational Structure were only work efficient in Divisional Structure for the large organization uses and wide range of authority. I believe that I could make this organizational structure more better if I were known how to apply the M& O theories on this organizational structure.

To what extent does the Organizational Structure influences the Corporate Culture?
1.Communication Barrier 
* Speaking Assent 
* Communicate error / languages differences 
 In some organizational structure , maybe the employee or manager is the foreigner, so communication will be the barrier or the speaking assent could be indistinctly occur between manager and subordinates, message will be convey in error way therefore the overall organization were be turn over. 

In some way , the organization structure influences the Corporate culture. 

it is important to identify the qualities of strong organization structure and recognize personal manager skills .  Head Start staff, Policy Council members and board members will learn how organizational structure influence staff members to develop the knowledge, skills, and values needed to operate a Head Start program. This learning activity also includes techniques for shaping corporate culture by empowering others through the good management organisational structure.


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